California Rep. Ro Khanna speaks in Washington, Oct. 28, 2021.

Photo: Ting Shen/Bloomberg News

Rep. Ro Khanna threatens windfall-profits taxes while simultaneously calling on oil companies to “invest more in renewable energy” (Letters, April 11). He might consider that the boards and the executive teams of these companies are doing what their shareholders wish them to do: appropriately returning their capital through dividends and buybacks so that they may reinvest it as they see fit, including possibly with institutions better suited to achieve breakthroughs with renewable energy. These shareholders and firms don’t need Mr. Khanna’s help allocating their capital.

They can also be forgiven for choosing not to invest further in assets facing uncertain or hostile government policy, or where President Biden has recently become one of their largest competitors, selling one million barrels a day from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

N. John Lancaster Jr.

Darien, Conn.

Mr. Khanna maintains that “investors on Wall Street would rather pocket the profits than invest in new projects.” Why would a prudent investor direct his limited resources to develop projects that the president and his party have promised to destroy?

Steven Kron

Naples, Fla.